A high channel count dynamic measurement system can be configured with multiple Spider-81 or Spider-80X modules. The diagram below shows a typical high channel count configuration based on multiple Spider-80X modules and Spider-81 modules.
In this picture, three Spider-81 modules and four Spider-80X modules are used to create a high channel count dynamic measurement system. The Ethernet port of each Spider is connected to one of the Ethernet ports on the Spider-HUB. One of Ethernet ports on Spider-HUB is connected to the PC.
High Channel Count Dynamic Measurement System Diagram
A remaining Ethernet port on the Spider-HUB can be connected to the “next cluster” or configuration so the channel count can be further expanded.
Recommended for High Channel Count Dynamic Measurement System
Spider-80X: Dynamic measurement system with high channel count expansion capabilities.
Spider-81: Fourth generation vibration controller with high channel expansion capabilities.
Spider-HUB: Industrial Ethernet switch featuring IEEE 1588 Precision Time Protocol allows users to create a high channel count dynamic measurement system with accurate time syncing technology.